Living with Covid Webinar – 1st March at 10.30am via Teams

Cutting through the COVID noise – focusing on what matters

This informal and interactive session is an opportunity to hear how various business leaders across NZ and in Taranaki are making sense of the current Omicron surge.

Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum Executive Director Francois Barton will share perspectives from NZ and Australian leaders on how businesses are preparing and responding to increasing rates of positive cases.  You will also hear how local Taranaki businesses are supporting their people whilst keeping their businesses operating.

Omicron marks a transition from an exclusive public health crisis, to a health-induced business continuity challenge.  This shift is critical to grasp for how we communicate and assure our workers, their families as well as our clients and suppliers.

Please review the invitation as there are links to some pre reading

You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting

Title: Covid Presentation – Francois Barton – Richard Ellis – National Road Carriers
Time: Tuesday 1st March  10:30:00 am New Zealand Daylight Time

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