Temporary Works

For July, we have partnered with EnergyWorks to look at elements around the concept of “temporary works”. These are works that are there for a temporary duration (e.g. scaffolding, rigging, piping, hoses,  buildings) that often are in place to enable permanent works to be done.

Temporary Works often don’t need to meet industry standard and code, but regrettably still follow the basic laws of physics, and as such often require their own specific risk assessment and dedicated controls. Often, temporary can become permanent.

This presentation shows examples of temporary works. Use it to challenge what works you have in your own business that are considered temporary, what standards and codes they are managed under, and whether or not they have snuck across to being permanent.

Many thanks to Geoff Bourke and his team for this contribution

Men’s Health

Men’s Health

Our presentation for November is on Men’s Health, after looking at the statistics, (NZ Medical Journal) we have found there is very little research going on in this area, for every $1.00 spent on women’s, we spend .06 cents on men’s.

Our business community have the majority of our men at their place of work, so the challenge is going out to them to see what they can introduce to help their men.  We would like to share the idea’s amongst our business community, and hopefully we are not just talking about something for the month of November, but something that will be brought in and kept as part of their Company’s culture.

We sincerely hope our business community will take up this challenge and help give their men tools that will help them lead a healthier and happier lifestyle.  We always say our business’s are our people…..