Incident learning strategies
At BeSafe Taranaki, we believe every incident is an opportunity to learn and improve. Our ‘Incident Learning’ approach focuses on uncovering the root causes of workplace incidents to prevent their recurrence. By analyzing each event and turning lessons learned into actionable strategies, we empower organizations to foster a culture of safety, resilience, and continuous improvement.
- Electrical Injury
- Dropped Spanner from Height
- Not wearing correct PPE
- Working Around Electricity Assets
In December last year Powerco had an incident, and an alert went out re scaffolding and working too close to electricity assets.
They just found out today there has been another very near miss that occurred this week outside Harvey Norman with a different set of scaffolders and roofers.
They are very concerned that our roofers and scaffolders in Taranaki are not following the proper Close Approach Consent process and it’s a matter of if, not when, someone will be killed if erecting and dismantling scaffolding near their lines without the proper processes being followed continues.
Companies bringing onto their sites roofers and scaffolders, please reiterate this alert to them and please share this message amongst our wider business community.
- Aerosol Can exploded inside Car
- Failed Hoses
- Injury during Tailer lift
- Worker Pinned by Container
- Stored Energy – Pressurized Fire Hose
- Head Injury due to Hiab Malfunction
- Break to Underground Fire Water Pipe
- Suspended Bin Tipper
- Old Equipment not Managed
- A Safety Message – Perspective is Everything!
- Marina Environment Fire
- MOC Process not followed or initiated
- Mobile Work Platform and wheel dropped into pit
- Heat trace cable cut with home made paint scraper
- Near Miss – Dry break coupling would not release
- Trucks continue operating during emergency muster
- Battery drill used to clean out thermowell on tank
- Near Miss . Hook Block Fall
- Incident Learnings
Restricted Work Injury: Pain below shoulder blade
- Incident Learnings
Bicycle Incident
Dropped Object
Level Gauge Failure
Atmospheric Event
Crushed Finger
Dropped Object October 2021
Dropped Spanner
- Collapsed Walkway
- Working with Loads near Overhead Lines
- Worker Struck by Scaffolding Pole
- Fatal Accident during cargo loading
- Damaged Pole for line of site Gas Detector
- Safety Harness Failure
- Use of face masks designated KN95
- Where to check the LFL before Hot Work commences
- IMCA Safety Flash