Author: Lois
Date: Thursday, 3rd April Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Venue: Energyworks, 231 Connett Road East, Bell Block, New Plymouth
Come and listen to Mike Baldwin, ACC Relationship Manager, as he presents key updates on the current ACC programme. This is a valuable opportunity to learn how ACC can support you and your organisation with ACC-related queries.
Key topics include:
- ACC General Information
- Key Statistics
- Experience Rating
- Recovery at Work
- My ACC for Business Update
- Integrated Care Pathways Musculoskeletal (ICPMSK)
- Employer Reimbursement Agreement (ERA)
- Q&A Session
We look forward to welcoming you to this informative session and encourage you to take advantage of this chance to ask your questions directly to an expert.
Please register to :
20th March 8.00am – 10.00am
The Devon Hotel Devon Street East, Strandon
BeSafe Taranaki are proud to host this BeEngaged session on how key leaders apply governance to health and safety in their respective organisations.
Join our panelists to discuss leadership commitment and their role of senior leadership in fostering a culture of safety and ensuring that health and safety is integral to the organisation’s governance framework.
Simon Craddock – CEO, Port Taranaki Ltd
Simon joined Port Taranaki as CEO in October 2021. He has over 20 years of experience in professional services, engineering, aviation, and governance. Simon has held senior management positions at Air New Zealand and worked at Deloitte and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare. He is known for his expertise in corporate strategy, operations, and performance improvement.
Paul Goodeve – CEO, Clarus
Paul Goodeve has been at the helm of Clarus as Chief Executive since 2016 and has a wealth of experience in both regulated and non-regulated transmission and distribution energy infrastructure. His leadership has been pivotal in developing and implementing Clarus’ strategic business plan and driving forward key renewable energy projects. Paul is a Chartered Accountant and a member of the Institute of Directors. He currently serves as a Director of the Gas Industry Company and on the board of Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum.
Campbell Mattson – Director, Location Homes & North Taranaki ITM
Campbell is the Managing Director of Location Homes. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the construction and development industry and is known for his leadership in building and design. Campbell has been actively involved in addressing post-COVID-19 economic and mental health challenges in the construction sector and is a current board member for Construction Health and Safety NZ (CHASNZ) and founder, past Chair of Building Wellness Taranaki. The recent purchase of saw milling and frame and truss manufacturing operations have placed Campbell even further towards the very pointy end of personal safety and risk management.
Register for this event here:
Members: $30.00
Non-Members: $35.00
28th November – Reducing Strain Injuries
New Plymouth Injury Safe are hosting this session led by Alison Richmond on how to reduce strain injuries through correct movement & manual handling.
28th November 12:30pm – 3:30pm at Energyworks. This event also has limited numbers, so register early here: Reducing Strain Injuries
5th/6th November and 3rd / 4th December – ICAM Training
Two training delivery date options are available:
Tue 5 – Wed 6 November 2024 West Lounge, TSB Hub, Waihi Rd, Hawera
Tue 3 – Wed 4 December 2024 Southern Lounge, TSB Hub, Camberwell Rd, Hawera.
Each two day course runs from 0830 – 1630 hours each day.
All course materials will be provided by Impac.
The cost will be approximately $1095 plus GST per plus catering. Spaces are quickly filling up!
Register by contacting Jill Manaia:
14th November 2024 – NZISM Workshop – Machine Guarding
14th November from 8am – 12:30pm at the Plymouth Hotel
Guest speakers include Hamish Baker from TEG Risk; Joe Bain from Motivated Design & Analytics and Lou Ochsner from Pact Group. Check their profiles on the registration webpage.
This will be an informative session to challenge the thinking and approach for machine guarding. What are the legal considerations? What about examples in practice? What should be looked at during checking, maintenance and auditing? How can tech & AI help?
Equipment operation occurs in most business and workplaces, so do we have the effective tools (and thought process) to improve the safety considerations for the user experience.
How do we affectively assess the interface and interactions between the user and the equipment, and what challenges and innovations are there to ensure people are kept from unintentional harm.
Registration is open to both members ($50) and non-members ($75) – for a 4 hour workshop we’ve worked hard to keep the event costs to a minimal AND morning tea will be provided.
Register here: Upcoming Event: Taranaki Branch: Machine guarding workshop – New Zealand Institute of Safety Management
If you work with organisations (and their people) that would benefit from understanding and applying better practices to machine or equipment guarding and user interfacing then please share this opportunity!
Presenter Rob Kirkwood – 20th November 10.00am – 11.00am
Lois Eggers invited you to a Microsoft Teams Meeting:Learning from Everyday Work
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
10:00 am – 11:00 am (NZST)
Meeting link: Learning from Everyday Work | Microsoft Teams | Meet-up-Join: BeAligned Webinar – Learning from Everyday Work

Ladder Safety
Safety in the workplace is more critical than ever, ensuring proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Respiratory Fit Testing is key to protecting ourselves and others. This Webinar is an opportunity to learn about new innovations and to ask questions about any concerns you may have.
Lois Eggers invited you to a Microsoft Teams Meeting:
BeAligned Webinar – PPE & Respiratory Fit Testing
Tuesday, 10 September 2024
9:30 am – 10:30 am (NZST)
Meeting link: BeAligned Webinar – PPE & Respiratory Fit Testing | Microsoft Teams | Meet-up-Join

- Contractor Management/Totika
- How prequal helps and howe it doesn’t ( some more myth busting)
- Contractor Management and pre supplier selection
- The Energy Wheel – an effective way of managing safety risk in the workplace
- Why we aren’t very good at seeing and responding to hazards in the workplace
- How to increase our awareness of hazards by utilising the energy wheel
- Practical ways to use these tools in your workplace
- How sprains and strains are creating a burden on your workers lives and business productivity
- The link between physical and mental wellbeing
- What you can do to prevent and manage sprains and strains in your business
Tickets Available
In December last year Powerco had an incident, and an alert went out re scaffolding and working too close to electricity assets.
They just found out today there has been another very near miss that occurred this week outside Harvey Norman with a different set of scaffolders and roofers.
They are very concerned that our roofers and scaffolders in Taranaki are not following the proper Close Approach Consent process and it’s a matter of if, not when, someone will be killed if erecting and dismantling scaffolding near their lines without the proper processes being followed continues.
Companies bringing onto their sites roofers and scaffolders, please reiterate this alert to them and please share this message amongst our wider business community.
BeSafe Trustee Meeting 21st May 2025, venue to be advised.
Fire Safety Demo 29th January 9.00am to 11.30am by Wood Training at their BellBlock Site
BeAligned Working Group Meeting
26th March 8am – 9.00am via Teams
Invite: The true state and cost of New Zealand’s health and safety performance
with economist Shamubeel Eaqub
Kia ora All
I am pleased to invite you to our New Plymouth Forum to hear the insights from our inaugural State of a Thriving Nation report.
This report will be released in late August, and will help us to understand the state of the country’s health, safety and wellbeing performance – in context of the current economic cycle and international comparisons.
We have engaged economist Shamubeel Eaqub to pull this together, considering health and safety leadership practices and how they impact on business decisions, the economic cycle, and the upcoming general election.
Join Shamubeel and myself to hear the insights from this report, the cost of our health and safety performance to the New Zealand economy, and the work government, regulators and business leaders need to do to improve outcomes for our people, businesses and economy.
Thank you to EMA Auckland, Silver Fern Farms, Nelson Chamber of Commerce, BeSafe Taranaki, Port of Tauranga, H.W. Richardson, and Chapman Tripp for hosting these events with the Forum.
New Plymouth – Friday 13 October
Novotel, Cnr of Hobson and Leach Streets, New Plymouth
Francios Barton
Simon Craddock joined Port Taranaki in October 2021.
He has more than 20 years experience across professional services, engineering and aviation, and has a background in corporate strategy, operations and performance improvement, having held senior management positions at Air New Zealand, and having worked at Deloitte and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.
A chartered member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors, Simon has significant governance experience as a director of a number of companies, including Public Trust, WRAL Group (Hamilton Airport), Sounds Air Group, and Airwork Holdings Limited.
Tom Boon has been a part of the New Zealand forest industry for over 25 years. He joined Taranakipine in 2007 as CEO and shareholder after a long career within corporate forestry and wood processing companies in both NZ and Australia.
•Originally staring his career as a forester, Tom after a few years became interested in the conversion of the trees he was growing into high value finished wood products. This interest has not waned, and Tom now leads Taranakipine which specialises in the manufacturing and marketing of engineered timber building products sold locally and to export customers. The most recent venture is the launch of Woodspan Ltd which supplies mass-timber engineered timber solutions directly to New Zealand’s construction industry.
•His ambition for a successful and durable NZ wood manufacturing industry has led him to be actively involved in several forestry and wood processing national organisations over the past 15 years.
For July, we have partnered with EnergyWorks to look at elements around the concept of “temporary works”. These are works that are there for a temporary duration (e.g. scaffolding, rigging, piping, hoses, buildings) that often are in place to enable permanent works to be done.
Temporary Works often don’t need to meet industry standard and code, but regrettably still follow the basic laws of physics, and as such often require their own specific risk assessment and dedicated controls. Often, temporary can become permanent.
This presentation shows examples of temporary works. Use it to challenge what works you have in your own business that are considered temporary, what standards and codes they are managed under, and whether or not they have snuck across to being permanent.
Many thanks to Geoff Bourke and his team for this contribution
Hosted by Todd Energy
Site Tour on 21/6/23 at their McKee Site 8.00am
People may want to car pool as you need to allow 50 minutes to get to site with current roadworks. Please let me know if you would like to car pool and I will organise accordingly.
The address is 1334 Otararoa Road, Tikorangi
Please travel via Princess St in Waitara, then Inland Road North, then Otaraoa Road
The Facility is located in Section 5 of the map, in yellow.
We encourage following the speed limit at all times, including corner speed limits.
There are a couple of corners which have caught drivers out of the years!
There is ample parking in the carpark over the road from the facility.
If anyone has mobility issues we can organise carparking at the top carpark, on the same level has the facility.

You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting
Title: Powerco – keeping your workers safe
Time: Thursday, 23 February 2023 9:30:00 am New Zealand Daylight Time
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Leading Wellbeing: Mindset and practices
Dr Hillary Bennett will be presenting around how our leaders/managers influence the culture of psychological safety in their teams supporting people to thrive at work
We had an amazing couple of hours touring the working site at Dialog Fitzroy on Wednesday. Most certainly we all came away with a much better appreciation of the absolute hard work that goes into creating all those pipes we see around our industrial sites. The Dialog Fitzroy Production Planners must be on the go 24/7! Thank you, Richard Ellis, for an illuminating morning.

Men’s Health
Our presentation for November is on Men’s Health, after looking at the statistics, (NZ Medical Journal) we have found there is very little research going on in this area, for every $1.00 spent on women’s, we spend .06 cents on men’s.
Our business community have the majority of our men at their place of work, so the challenge is going out to them to see what they can introduce to help their men. We would like to share the idea’s amongst our business community, and hopefully we are not just talking about something for the month of November, but something that will be brought in and kept as part of their Company’s culture.
We sincerely hope our business community will take up this challenge and help give their men tools that will help them lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. We always say our business’s are our people…..
On the 23rd November there will be a site visit to Dialog Fitzroy. This will start with a short meeting, with coffee, ( we will have facilities that people can login to this meeting) followed by a tour of the working site. We will have the opportunity to search for hazards/risks that may not already be controlled. Hosted by Richard Ellis
Please wear your PPE..
Geoff Bourke is hosting a tour of his working site on the 21st March 2023, all members of our Beligned Working Group are very welcome. We will have a short meeting prior, then a tour with the challenge of finding any hazards/risks that are not already monitored. “A fresh set of eyes”
The Government has announced changes to a range of outdated,
complex and incomplete health and safety requirements. New health
and safety regulations will provide more clarity and certainty for
businesses and better safety and health for workers.
During the public consultation, many stakeholders supported changing the regulations that
apply to plant and structures and wanted greater clarity and certainty. The changes have been
designed to ensure the rules are clear, effective, flexible, durable and proportionate, making it
easier for businesses to manage risks, and better ensure people come home from work safe
and healthy.
In this Webinar, BeSafe Taranaki is going to explore the difficulties that we all face when our Management of Change (MOC) fails. The reasons behind why we have failures in this area and tools that we can bring onboard that can help mitigate these risks.
We have 3 presenters that will talk about what has happened in their workplaces, the reasons why the incidents happened and learned outcomes.
Justine Peterson will carry this forward by providing some tools that we can take onboard and use breakout rooms, so we are all able to discuss and put our ideas forward.